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Quiet Reflection Room

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Quiet Reflection Room 2023-06-02T08:44:38+00:00

Quiet Reflection Room

The quiet reflection room is located on the north side of Building 23, Room 114. This space is open to all members of the Highline College community, including students, faculty and staff.

Access: enter the first floor of building 23 from the southwest corner near the criminal justice classrooms and walk around the building through the hallway that goes past the elevators.

Community Agreements

The quiet reflection room is a space is for personal, quiet, and reflective activities. In order to maintain the cleanliness of the space, we ask for your support in the following:

  • Please remove your shoes when entering the space.
    • There is a shoe rack for your convenience.
  • Mats donated by the Muslim Student Association for use in daily prayer activities.
    • Please store mats in the benches after use.
    • No shoes allowed on mats.
  • This is a food and drink free zone.
  • To access room after 5 p.m., please visit Center for Cultural & Inclusive Excellence (Building 8, 3rd floor) for access code.
  • Without code? After campus hours call Public Safety at extension 3218 from a campus phone.

Verbal meetings, conversations, or dialogue are prohibited in this space.

This space will not be reserved for campus programming.