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Professional Development 2023-01-24T09:25:32+00:00

Professional Development Opportunities

For faculty and staff around diversity and equity issues.

On Campus Opportunities

Diversity and Equity Programming

During Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Week (January) and Unity Through Diversity Week (spring) leading scholars, community organizers, and experts provide lectures and workshops to discuss emerging trends in issues of equity and diversity.

Learning and Teaching Center

The Learning and Teaching Center (LTC) is especially committed in furthering the college’s strategic initiatives of excellence in teaching and learning. The LTC is also dedicated to enhancing a college climate that values diversity and global perspectives.

Equity Task Force

Representing both governance bodies and interest groups, the Equity Task Force facilitates communications between Executive Staff and the campus community on matters of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Other Conferences and Workshops

Upcoming Events

The People’s Institute Undoing Racism Workshop

Multiple dates available – Seattle

An intensive two-day workshop designed to educate, challenge and empower people to “undo” the racist structures that hinder effective social change. The training is based on the premise that racism has been systematically erected and that it can be “undone” if people understand where it comes from, how it functions and why it is perpetuated.

National Conference on Race and Ethnicity (NCORE)

May 30 – June 3, 2023

The NCORE conference series constitutes the leading and most comprehensive national forum on issues of race and ethnicity in American higher education. The conference focuses on the complex task of creating and sustaining comprehensive institutional change designed to improve racial and ethnic relations on campus and to expand opportunities for educational access and success by culturally diverse, traditionally underrepresented populations.

Social Justice Training Institute

Multiple dates

The Social Justice Training Institute provides a forum for the professional and personal development of social justice educators and practitioners to enhance and refine their skills and competencies to create greater inclusion for all members of the campus community.