Highline College

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Resources 2023-03-15T10:43:45+00:00


Center for Leadership and Service

The Center for Leadership and Service provides communities and experiences to enhance growth and learning outside the classroom. Students are invited to engage in leadership and service roles through hosting campus activities and programs. The Center for Leadership and Service ensures environments are created that promote student involvement and success and that teach the tenants of Servant Leadership: honoring connection and relationships, emphasizing social justice awareness, and promoting action as a global citizen. Visit the Center for Leadership and Service in Building 8, 3rd floor.

Outreach Programs

Sponsored by Outreach Services. For more information, contact Outreach Services or email outreach@highline.edu

Young Educated Ladies Leading (Y.E.L.L.) Female Summit

The goal of Y.E.L.L. Female Summit is to empower young women of color to excel in academics and to accept nothing less than excellence from self.

Black and Brown Male Summit

The goal of Black and Brown Male Summit is to empower and motivate our Black and Brown young men to excel in academics and to accept nothing less than excellence from self.

Social Justice Centered Vocabulary

Our department has created a list of terms centered around diversity, equity, and inclusion. While the list does not include all terms surrounding social justice, it is a resource that may be used when growing one’s equity-centered vocabulary.