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CCIE Programs 2024-03-28T09:19:12+00:00

Center for Cultural & Inclusive Excellence Programs

For questions about Center for Cultural & Inclusive Excellence programs, please contact Center for Cultural & Inclusive Excellence at (206) 592-3296 or email ccie@highline.edu. View past program videos on the Highline College-CCIE Youtube playlist.


LGBTQIA Week is a programming series of educational events and activities exploring LGBTQIA identity and social justice issues; in addition, celebrates and remembers the history of the gay rights movement and is held in October to recognize National Coming Out Day.

Leadership opportunities for Highline students include planning committee membership and volunteering throughout the week.

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Series

A series of educational events, programs, and activities  geared toward examining and celebrating the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Leadership opportunities for Highline students include planning committee membership and volunteering throughout the week.

Unity through Diversity Series

A series of educational events, programs and activities that explore and celebrate the diversity of race, gender, class, sexual orientation, ability, and religion.  Leadership opportunities include planning committee membership and volunteering throughout the week.